The Priceless Woman Study

Proverbs 31:20
January 20, 2012By Pastor Wendy Williams

20She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy. (KJV)

The virtuous (strong) woman is charitable to the poor.  She is just as diligent about her giving as she is about her getting.  She serves the poor freely, cheerfully and mercifully with an outstretched hand.  She stretches out her hand and reaches forth toward the poor and needy.  This means she goes out of her way, to go to where the poor dwell, to give assistance.


This is a testament to the benefit of being a virtuous woman.  She is a blessed woman of God.  Her diligence has made her wealthy.  She has more than enough for herself and her family, and she is able to be a blessing to others.  She is blessed to be a blessing.  The Bible says God will repay when we give to the poor, "He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.(Psalm 19:17)  So, she is destined to become richer and richer. 


Today, you may find God’s virtuous woman or God's man of valor making regular donations to their favorite charities.  Maybe you can find them on the phone bank at their church or charitable organizations.  Or they may serve meals at the local soup kitchen.  Or like Mother Waddles, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates and other philanthropists, they may begin their own charitable organization.  It is a form of ministry, and their service is to the glory of God and not for their own selfish motives.   With the resources you have today, no matter how great or small, what can you do to help the poor and the needy?   (Repeat the GEM FOR TODAY several times throughout the day)


GEM FOR TODAY:  Father, thank You for blessing me with such as I have.  I am blessed to be a blessing.  I intentionally go out of my way to be a blessing to the poor and the needy, and I do it with a cheerful and merciful heart.  (Men say) I AM A MAN OF VALOR AND I VALUE GOD'S PRICELESS WOMAN!!! (Women say) I AM GOD'S PRICELESS WOMAN!!! In Jesus' Name, Amen

Visitor Comments (4)
Proverbs 31:20
Posted By EAGLE_GIRL on January 28, 2012
I can remember going over my grandma's house after school on Thursday's. She always had Church people over and they would read the bible and tell us stories about Jesus. God gave us a great cheerful blessing heart. I am God's Priceless Woman!!!
Posted By HISLOSTCHILD on January 22, 2012
I do whatever I can to help others. By God blessing me im happy that im able to bless others
Staying on Task
Posted By MMATTHEWS on January 21, 2012
Lord keeping beautiful hands is doing beautiful things for your glory.
To give
Posted By JOYLINDSEY on January 21, 2012
I grew up in a home that always helped others, it was a way of life . The bible says it's better to give then receive. I know the word is awesome and it works . Working, ministering,and feeding the poor I will always do, you see I have been there. May I continue to be blessed to help others . Priceless

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